Dr. Bingshuang Zou

Dr. Zou is a Certified Specialist in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics as well as a fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada. She is also an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Dentistry at UBC, where she is supervising orthodontic graduate residents both clinically and academically. She has many experiences in treating all kinds of tough malocclusions with the up-to-date techniques and skills which thank her duo-trained background both in China and Canada.

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About Bingshuang

She graduated from the Orthodontic Specialty program and gained her Ph.D. degree at the renowned Peking University in Beijing, China in 1998. Following graduation, she directly became a full-time faculty in the Department of Orthodontics at Peking University School of Stomatology, where she enjoyed teaching, researching and creating beautiful and healthy smiles. In 2016, after practicing for almost two decades in the top one dental hospital in China, where she has treated thousands of complicated cases, she decided to move to Canada. She entered a highly competitive DSATP program, a program designed for the foreign-trained specialists to be able to be licensed in Canada. In 2017, she successfully passed the RCDC examination and was happy to practice as an orthodontist again in Canada. Then, in 2018 she was appointed as Associate Professor in the Faculty of Dentistry at UBC owing to her enriched experience in teaching, practicing and research. She is enjoying sharing her knowledge with future professionals and educators and keeping her knowledge and skills cutting-edge. She has also spent a couple of years visiting the world-famous orthodontic programs as Seoul National University in Korea (2001), the University of Illinois at Chicago in the USA (2002), and the University of British Columbia in Canada (2014, 2015) as a Visiting Professor. She also got her Fellowship in Orthodontics of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MOrth RCSEd) in 2003.


Dr. Zou belongs to the British Columbia Society of Orthodontists, Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontics, American Association of Orthodontists, Chinese Association of Orthodontists, and Canadian Association of Orthodontists.

Dr. Zou speaks fluent English and Mandarin, and she is thrilled to serve her community with more brilliant smiles that we all have dreamed of. In her free time, you may find her spending time with her family hiking, skiing, and exploring the beautiful BC outdoors.

邹冰爽医师, 正畸专科医生, 1998年毕业于北京医科大学口腔医学院, 获正畸学博士学位。原北京大学口腔医学院正畸科副主任医师,现UBC牙医学院正畸科副教授。曾先后赴韩国首尔大学、美国伊利诺伊州立大学和加拿大UBC牙医学院访问交流。擅长各种类型儿童错颌畸形的早期矫治和综合治疗; 成人综合及辅助正畸治疗; 无托槽隐形矫治技术; 正畸-正颌联合治疗及微螺钉种植体支抗技术。从事口腔正畸专业20余年来,邹医师一直身处世界一流大学临床、科研和教学的前沿,所积累的大量临床实践经验及所掌握的最新矫治技术使其始终处于专业领先地位。已诊治和临床教学指导正畸患者达数千例,特别是在复杂疑难病例的矫治、个性化正畸治疗方案和隐形矫治方面有独到之处。邹医师不仅临床经验丰富、医术精湛,而且善于沟通和交流,受到患者和同行的高度评价。